colors through the fog

This past weekend a few friends and I went to the cascades. I was absolutly beautiful to see God’s creation in the top right there’s a rainbow in the falls. I’ve been struggling with gossip as of late and I’ve been blind to it. I hear it all day and it’s so much easier to be the listener and feel included in their life than walk away. But I wasn’t called to complain, I wasn’t called to talk about people behind their back. I wasn’t called to be dishonest. I was called to be an encouragement, I was called to be blameless, I was called to be righteous. But sometimes it’s hard to see the line. It’s hard to see the rainbow through the fog. But God promises that if we seek Him he will provide in abundance. Matthew 5 (which I’ve been studying in bstud) talks about characteristics of God’s people. Poor in spirit and being humble, Mourning our sin b/c even though in christ we are forgiven it still hurts him that we would choose our sin nature over the special life he desires for us. Meekness being humble, not trying to be right everytime. Hungering and desiring righteousness. If we desire the right things of God then we won’t want to sin. It is repulsive to us. We look at the time we enjoyed sinning as a thing of the past and the living the righteous life of God as something we are doing now and in the future. Why would I want the things of the flesh when He is more than enough and continually fills me with his presence.

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